Interview with Michele Bischof (High Vibe Fitness Coach)

Michele Bischof is a Holistic Health and Fitness coach and self-love guru, boss babe business woman, empowerment and motivational coach, personal growth mentor, and creator of Finally Free transformational program and Resilience Training for Young Girls Program. 

Her mission is to help as many people as possible design and live their life to the truest potential.

Michele in her home gym
  1. We’ve known each other for years and you have always kept yourself in fantastic shape.  I know you were a respiratory therapist and worked for Pfizer in the past.  Now you’re a High Vibe Fitness Coach.  How did your years of exercise, medical knowledge, and focus on nutrition lead you to become a High Vibe Fitness Coach?

I have worked as a Respiratory Therapist for 10 years and then I went into the business aspect of healthcare working as a pharmaceutical sales rep for 15 years.  Currently, I am working as a medical sales rep for Icentia.

In my personal time I enjoy coaching and helping others meet their personal health and wellness goals through my Holistic Fitness business.  My passion for health and wellness is deep rooted and I thrive on helping people.  I want to help others achieve their goals and feel their absolute best so I started my own coaching business.

  • How did you get started in weight training?  You also told me about the Eat Clean Diet which I think Donna O’Quinn originally told you about.

I was feeling like I needed something more and a friend of mine introduced me to Bill Phillips.  I bought the book and got serious about making a personal change and I committed to doing a 12 week challenge.  I had a significant transformation and physical fitness and health became an even more important part of my life.  I lost weight, gained tons of energy, and started to build muscle.  I was hooked.

I took it further to learn more about clean eating and was introduced by a friend (Donna O’Quinn) to Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet.  I followed her meal plans and it took me to a whole new level of being fit.

Holistic Training
  • I know you were in a bad car accident.  Instead of giving up I watched you adapt your program. 

My passion for my work stems from my own healing journey.  After being involved in a car accident in 2014 that severely injured my back, I found my way back to health and wellness using an inside out approach. Tapping into the power of my mind and determination to keep moving, focus on feeling strong and to never give up has led me to not only physically healing my body, but also starting my own business to help others.  My personal experiences have been powerful teachers and in becoming attuned to my body messages, I have healed my body, mind, and soul and I use this approach to help others do the same.  Turning my pain into passion I changed my thought process and adapted my program focusing on core strength and setting small goals for myself along the way.  In doing this, I became strong in my mind and my body.  I overcame huge challenges and I’m stronger today because of it.

  • Your oldest daughter was training to become a paramedic.  How did you help her out to succeed?

My oldest daughter is a paramedic.  Helping her has been one of the most incredible and rewarding experiences of my life!  With my medical knowledge, business background, and love for health and fitness, I offered nutritional guidance and coached Rachel using motivational and mindset techniques to help her prepare for physical fitness testing and interviews. She has since also adopted a very similar healthy living and active lifestyle.

  • All of your kids are in sports, like hockey.  What eating habits and fitness knowledge did you pass onto them so they stay healthy and energetic?

My kids have all been in sports over the years, baseball and hockey and my son also enjoys Kung Fu.  They started at a young age, making it part of their lifestyle.  I believe in educating my kids on the value of taking care of their bodies and minds, being active, and eating well.  My kids understand what a balanced meal is and I teach them that food is fuel and active movement is essential for their wellbeing. Food choices are important and we focus on choosing healthy foods and occasionally eating not so healthy foods. It’s amazing to watch them choose healthy nutritious options on their own.  I’m also a hockey trainer for my youngest daughter’s hockey team.  I encourage active movement and activity with the girls and run a 30-minute virtual dryland training once a week.

  • You now offer coaching and fitness programs for adults and kids.  What age range can work with you and how do you determine their current fitness level?

I work with adults and kids (9 years and up).  I offer 1 on 1 personalized life coaching, customized success plans, customized fitness programs, and nutritional meals.  If a client is interested in a physical fitness program I ask that they talk to their doctor before starting a physical training program if they are new to it.  I assess their level of fitness based on their mobility, flexibility, strength, past experiences, injuries, and current level of fitness.  I also discuss and establish goals and objectives with each person I work with.

  • What are the best ways for people to contact you?

You can find me at:

Website: (Holistic Fitness – Physical Fitness, Mental Fitness, and Spiritual Fitness)

Facebook: Michele Bischof

Instagram: @_michele_bischof


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