When to Eat

I was training a new client explaining about the importance of breathing and listening to the body.   She did light weights as we discussed proper form and technique when she started making a strange uuuh sound.   I asked her if she wanted an ambulance (you only have to ask until someone goes unconscious) and sheContinue reading “When to Eat”

Pec(toralis) Stretch

Pec muscles commonly become overused as most of what we do in a day happens in front of us, so these muscles are constantly working while also being in a shortened position, often for hours at a time if lots of daily desk work is involved.

Bosu and Stability Ball Balance Routine

When first starting a balance exercise or routine, safety is important.  Either have someone spotting you (always on the side of the standing leg if you are balancing on one leg, or behind you if balancing with both legs).  If you don’t have someone spotting you have a solid structure like a rail or wall on the side of the standing leg).

Triceps Stretch By Taylor Norris RMT at unionwellness.ca

Triceps Stretch By Taylor Norris RMT at unionwellness.ca   As spring seems to have finally sprung, it’s time to start preparing once again to head outside for gardening and springtime sports! One very helpful and easy stretch to add to our regular stretching regiment is for the triceps muscles located at the back of ourContinue reading “Triceps Stretch By Taylor Norris RMT at unionwellness.ca”

“Golf Balls to Relieve Tension!” By Taylor Norris, RMT

Golf balls!  Of all things, right?!  These little wonders possess a great shape and texture for helping to gently roll away tension, especially of the hands and feet. 

Compounded Workout (Legs to Upper Body) by Dan Watt

compound exercise involves the contraction from one group of muscles to another.  A squat shoulder press starts with quads, hamstrings, and glutes to anterior deltoid, with the core tensed throughout the movement.

Hamstring Stretch By Taylor Norris RMT at unionwellness.ca

When running movements are involved, the hamstrings work to slow our legs at the end of their forward swing to stop our trunk region from flexing forward at the hips. Sometimes these muscles become injured due to lack of warm-up or when they are too suddenly lengthened.

Scalene (neck) Stretch by Taylor Norris RMT at unionwellness.ca

Chronic tightness of these muscles can potentially lead to very painful conditions of the neck and shoulder girdle due to increased pressure across the nerve bundle known as the brachial plexus, and also increased pressure across the subclavian artery.

Alyssa Coppolino IFBB PRO and Fitness Trainer (Guest Blog)

AlyssaFIT, powered by TNTSonline, is dedicated to creating a Custom Weight Loss, Healthy Lifestyle Program based on individual needs, wants and goals!

General Exercise Program (circuit)

This is a straight forward exercise program that includes cardio, exercises, and stretches with adaptions.